• arboreal

    Hi there,
    First message here and first patch on going. I've got a headache for realizing this action:

    I would like to make a list of 16 numbers, so for this I use:

    [list-lastx 16]

    Then, I would like to detect if in this list, there are two equivalent numbers and therefore send a bang and the number value. I tried list-compare or some other tricks but w/o success.

    To replace this action in my context, I would like to switch on pad leds on my padkontrol.
    So I can receive the number. But if I push again on the same pad, I would like to switch off the led.

    Thanks in advance


    edit : Ok with list-sieve it begins to work, but now how erase the found values in the list?

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

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