Hi everyone! I am just having difficulties doing that tcl/tk update in OSX, that suppose to fix that GUI freezing nightmare
Could somebody give me some instructions, it would help a lot. Thanks in adv.
sorry I failed somehow to upload the photo. Here is what I use, almost nothing is changed, two message box added.
Must be a trivial thing, but I dont understand the whole sketch and the whole patch.
Thank you for all your struggle.. I presume something around the 10bit conversion, but only cuz my mind is weak for this part (yet). -
this photo is really not beneficial but the wiring is triple checked, its all right. Is it working at your side? On the photo its plugged out..
Its also strange that if I set the number of chips to 2 in PD, it activates 16 number atoms. But for only one 16 chanel chip I get only 8... -
I am still getting only 8 of the number atoms working (for one chip). I have set the number of chips to one, both at multiplexers.ino and multiplexers.pd ....
oh sorry , I meant the 4 digital pin for the second multiplexer's S0, S1, S2, S3. Not sure where to wire them.
I am using your uploaded pd patch from github. But I get only 8 blinking number atoms for one multiplexer ( CD74HC4067 16 chanel). Could you modify them for outputing 2 x 16 sensors?
I like to replace the pduino subpatch of my project. This is for my final presentaion at the uni, for a sound installation. Might not the most elagant solutions, but works so far. it controls panels, wich hold piezo sensors (Input) plus speakers(output). Some code snipets might be usufull for someone, commented already in english for further sharing (if it gets ready one day) -
Did you mean ..
for (int i = theFirstPinOfNonMultiplexedInputs; i < NUMBER_OF_PINS_I_USE; i++)..?
And where should I determine how many bytes to transfer?Can I wire the other 4 digital pins anywhere, or should be same row on breadboard?
Still not clear with the pd patch.. Where to insert this part and how should I modify to get the right number atoms (for outlets)? If I set the number of chips to one, I see only 8 number atoms blinking..
Your help is already great, I am gratefull ! Trying to solve it, but running out of time, and my place still a mess of cables..
This is a great achievement! Somebody pls help with my nooby question... I see I can set the number of chips on arduino and pd aswell (I will use 2 of 16pin chips). But there are only 16 number atoms for output, how do I get 32 individual sensor output? And how can I get the same time the data from arduino's default analog pins (wich arent multiplexed) ?