• alistair

    Just a quick question,
    I am going to be using spatialistaion. I know there is a module in max msp called spat where, on shifting a sound from one speaker to the next speaker, or on creating the typical circular movement around the concert hall at different speeds with the added comfort of creating accellerandi and ritardandi,

    "spat", i'm told, must be given the following parameters:

    1.channels involved, (the total number of channels (1-8),
    2. order of loudspeaker change (ie 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-1-2... etc.)),
    3. the speed of loudspeaker-to-loudspeaker transition (4 seconds as a target ramp time),
    4. target change of speed (in this case going from 4 secs speaker transition to 2 secs speaker transition, ie accelerando to double speed)
    5. over how much time (ie. 30 secs accellerando)

    ...i think that's all the parameters involved.

    Is there a similar object, in Pd, or would I have to create a chain of abstractions involving specified no. of channels with ramp times?


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  • alistair

    sorry, please ignore thick question recently written above, I managed to sort it out. It was merely a matter of connecting the [*~ 0.9] (that normally connects to the [dac~] object) directly to to the [writesf~ 2] object & bypassing [adc~] altogether.

    In case any future inquirer were wondering.

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  • alistair

    Sorry, thicko question here,
    The above is fine as long as I want to record a sound file into microphones that I can later listen to. How can I set the patch up to record (a patch that randomly plays x number of short samples) directly dac-adc (1:1), without creating feedback & without having to pickup the sound from the outside world via microphones ?

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  • alistair

    i don't believe it,
    I found it, it wasn't as far away as last night(!):


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  • alistair

    hallo obi,
    thanks for the post, I was trying to find a similar post you made, about, er, a month ago when someone (new to Pd) wanted to know comparisons between Pd and Maxmsp (and another prog.). I remember you describing the downfalls of using a commercially produced program against an open source program which is being renewed regularly; i just couldn't find it, it might've helped to've quoted the link...

    I had a question about Open Music (I operate a Mac) against Pd. Open Music is certainly cheaper than msp (120€(OM) as opposed to the 600$ (msp)), and (so I'm told) has a strong spectral analysis/fft, and a good support system. I wonder if you had any opinions about this.
    A few respected colleagues suggested OM to me; another remarked that "Pd is really old, and even quite slow!" - i didn't have time to get him to elaborate, but -
    -I imagined he was talking about live concert situation, using acoustic instruments, which is what he and I do; perhaps involving real time granular synthesis, rapid shifting between granular setting , sampling/transposition, spatialisation and circular movement amongst speakers (this referring to the "spat" module in msp). These would be my areas of concern, just now.

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  • alistair

    thanks! I got the tables left&right to read out the signal, which they did. however i tried a few other things to get the signal to sound, unfortunately without success. i know there's a really simple solution to this, but i can't seem to work it out...

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  • alistair

    "see [soundfiler]'s help patch, you can load any file as raw sample data"

    • thanks for this, i tried, and unfortunately i couldn't get the result i hoped for.
      i wrote it out an object as read -raw 128 2 2 b sound/chord.au array1 which then didn't allow me to connect to the soundfiler object, in the hope that I could have Pd read a short sound file made originally with Audacity.
      Would be very grateful if you could tell me what i'm doing wrong.

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!