One thing I forgot to mention: While LAC is about Linux, it's also very much about open-source. So if you have any musical works done with Pd, open-source Pd externals, etc., that's completely eligible for a submission at LAC, no matter what platform you use. Of course, in the case of software it helps if there's nothing that prevents it to run on Linux.
Case in point, I know that at CIEREC, the institute at JMU (Jean Monnet Université) which organizes this year's LAC, they run Pd on all the Mac computers in their computer music lab.
This is a little off-topic, but as Pd is always an important topic at LAC and many Pd users are running Linux, I thought I'd post a little reminder here (apologies if you have seen this before).
The conference website is at https://lac2017.univ-st-etienne.fr, and the call for papers/workshops/music/etc. and the submission system is at https://lac2017.sciencesconf.org/.
The deadline has just been extended to Feb 28, so there's still ample time to get something done and submit if you plan to attend.
(As usual with LAC, attendance is free.)
One more thing: At JGU we also maintain our own Purr Data and Pd-l2ork Linux packages for Arch and different recent Ubuntu releases, so you may want to look at these if you're running Arch or an Ubuntu version not supported by Jonathan's packages. They also offer the advantage that you can install "classic" Pd-l2ork and Purr Data at the same time. More information including web pointers and installation instructions can be found at https://l2orkaur.bitbucket.io/ and https://l2orkubuntu.bitbucket.io/.
HUGE kudos to Jonathan for pulling this off! He worked on this tirelessly for almost two years now to make it happen. He did an amazing job.
There are still a few (very few) rough edges (like the GUI integration features of some of the externals, most notably hammereditor), but we'll get these ironed out in the upcoming releases, now that 2.0 is finally out. If you've been looking for an actively maintained Pd-extended successor with a modern GUI and many improvements, this is it.
We've been using Purr Data at JGU for all computer music courses this semester (which also shook out quite a few of the remaining bugs, so thanks are due to my students as well). Thus I can say with some confidence that this version is really ready for day-to-day use now. In our lab we use desktop PCs equipped with Linux, but the students also have their own Mac and Windows laptops, and Purr Data ran fine on each of those. And if you run into any remaining issues, Jonathan already told you where to report them.
NB: In case you're wondering about the version number: We needed a versioning scheme that would allow us to keep Purr Data apart from upstream Pd-l2ork and vanilla, that's why it's dubbed "Pd-l2ork 2.0 a.k.a. Purr Data". With this release, Ico's original Pd-l2ork version becomes Pd-l2ork 1.0 and goes into maintenance mode, but will of course remain available at least until all the remaining features such as K12 mode and autotips have been ported over to Purr Data or have suitable replacements there.
Finally, a quick note for those running this side-by-side with vanilla Pd (as many will be doing): Purr Data remains almost 100% compatible with vanilla (and is of course 100% compatible with the Pd patch format), but there are a few areas where Pd-l2ork/Purr Data deliberately differs in order to fix long-standing bugs which can't be fixed in vanilla any more due to backwards compatibility concerns. If you want to run a Pd patch which absolutely needs 100% (bug) compatibility with vanilla, you can force Purr Data to that by simply putting
into the startup flags.