5x5 game.
The Emacs crowd might know the 5x5.el game by Dave Pearson. It's about filling in a 5x5 squares but "obstructed" by a certain logic:
By "painting" (clicking in this case) a square inverts it's "colour" and inverts the colour of the surrounding (if any), but not diagonal, squares. It's made out of toggles, so in this case it's about to get all the toggles 'on'.
I've implemented it in Pd, and you can download it from [1]. - How many moves do you need to toggle them all?
Tower of Hanoi.
The Tower of Hanoi "problem" is usually seen as a toy which have three poles and a number of discs with different sizes. The game is to move the discs from one pole, where they are stacked such that their size increase from the top down, to one of the two other poles by only moving one discs at the time; and only to either an empty pole or a pole where the discs on that pole are (all) bigger then the disc being moved.
I've implemented a "solution" to the problem of moving user defined number of discs in as few moves as possible in Pd. It's an abstraction, that in when bang'ed make a move and outputs what disc was moved, from where it was moved and to where it was moved. It can be download from [1]. - It could easily have musical applications.