I'm encountering a problem with autostarting Pure Data patches - this happened a lot on Mac (which I personally I don't use) but recently I had similar situation on Windows. Basicaly - I added Pd patch to windows autostart folder, and after restarting the computer, sometimes everything launches correctly, but at random times Pd opens the same patch twice. Which means that the best scenario is having the sound two times louder than needed, and twice the cpu load, but with other patches I get conflicts, like two tables with the same name, two sends with the same name etc. Needless to say this is an unwanted situation and makes using Pd as sound engine in standalone installations very difficult and unpredictable to use. Had any of you similar issues? Any ideas how to solve this problem? Any answer appreciated.
autostart issue - pd opens two copies of a patch every once in a while
Hi Krzysztof and welcome to this forum,
Do you have this problem only using autostart or also when manually opening a patch? And how did you you add this patch of yours to the autostart? I don't use windows any more, but maybe you could try using a .BAT file for that.