Hello. How do I make Pd to communicate with Ableton. For example I would like to trigger a bang in my Pd patch using audio or MIDI from Ableton to play or modify visuals. Thanks
How to make Ableton to talk with Pd via MIDI or audio
you need a third party application which acts as a MIDI patch bay. I use loopMIDI (which is free and simple to use) for communicating from pd to ableton. I should imagine it would work the opposite way just fine. Then... it would be either a [notein] object (for midi notes) or a [ctlin] object (for CC values) which you would need to open in pd. If you are sending to a bang you would want [notein] but you would also want a [stripnote] object after the [notein] which removes the note-off value (without this you would get two bangs every time).
Important: make sure you open loopMIDI or whatever MIDI patch application you choose to use before you open Ableton and PD. Think of it like a hardware MIDI interface. If you open your DAW and then open the device it won't show up in the MIDI settings menu. It needs to be the first thing open.