First - can't wait when I can give back to this community by helping someone rather than asking for help all the time.
That being said the problems is that for unknown reason PD (which is installed on my beagleboneblack,debian linux) kills all the audio in a patch after some longer while. The rest of the patch works, but the dsp stops altogether. Maybe the problems comes from the linux itself or the drivers but so far I could find anything that could prove that. In the patch there is udpsend~ and udreceive~ object(through wireless network) which is constantly running,add~,dac~,oggread~,readsf~. Nothing really changes,nothing is added and everything works perfectly but then at one point the audio/dsp disappears. Sometimes it even happens when nobody is near it, when complete silence is being send and played through dac~.
Any ideas? even smallest hints where to look would be much appreciated
pure data audio goes to sleep
Probably some more info about your problem would help. Does this happen to absolutely all patches, including something as simple as a [osc~] connected to a [dac~]? If not, could you share the patch that you observe the problem? Does this happen every time you load a patch or only sometimes? Does the time it takes for the DSP to turn off is averagely the same? Which audio settings, initialization flags, etc. are you using?
can't wait when I can give back to this community by helping someone rather than asking for help all the time.
Don't worry about posting here if you are running into problems or have questions, but also feel free to reply to any questions around here for which you may know the answer
Gilberto -
Ok,I'll try to write all the details and paint the picture.
I'm using one mac (mackintosh) and 2 beagleboneblacks(running wheezy and having usb sound cards) in a wireless network in a installation. All of them have PD. Mac has extended,bbb have vanillas 0.46-2.
Each device has mic and speaker(s). All the heavy signal processing(FX..) is done on the mac and there are no problems with it.
The mac receives inputs from arduino, which triggers the fx and are sent to BBB because one BBB has also pruio outputs which are used to switch LEDs. It also sends a signal that triggers a sound file on the BBB. And it also has udpsend~ and udpreceive~ with both BBB.
It is like a small telephone network.
So I have problems with the BBB but usually only with the audio part-the rest keeps working,only no input/output as a sound.
Both of the BBB have startup flags "-nogui -alsa -r 48000 -audiobuf 50 -audiodev 2,2".
And they both tend to drop the audio/dsp. It happens random. No noticeable sequence or time.
And as they don't have any monitors I can only SSH into them.
When the audio dies I continue to receive constant signal through the udpreceive~, as it would have frozen.
I'm attaching one of the patches or rather pack of patches from one of the bbb. I'm not certain it's understandable,but I hope it is.
And thanks again for the help and interest