I just made a super simple patch with TuioClient to allow Reactivision to control various parameters.
However, when I quit pd and reopen the patch, the patch does not load, and I get a watch symbol (on a mac, indicating there is a stall). The stall goes on for an indefinite amount of time (it has reached 45 minutes at one point).
There is another strange behavior, which allows it to work in a compromising way: when I let it keep loading, but switch to another window that is not pd (such as chrome), and then switch back into pd, the watch is no longer there, but the patch is not loaded still. But then, if I open the same file (or any other file with TuioClient), it loads with no problem, and works alright. However, it acts as though the file has loaded twice. My evidence is that in the original file, I had an outlet of TuioClient going to a [print]. In the loaded version of the file, I disconnected all [print] objects, and yet updating data from the TuioClient was still printing.
How do I solve this issue?
Here is what the console reads:
(Tcl) INVALID COMMAND NAME: invalid command name "listening"
while executing
"listening to TUIO messages on UDP port 3333"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 $cmds_from_pd"
I have tried opening ReacTIVision both before and after opening the patch. I have a MacBook Pro, version 10.6.8, with 2.4 GHz Intel Core. Thanks.