hardware = emu0404 usb2 soundcard/advent IntelCore2Duo 1.6, 1GB ram
software = latest emu asio drivers/puredata/midiyoke
problem is audio latency (not yet concerned about midi lag), in a 'full duplex' setup; i.e. realtime audio I/O
I have a very respectable 5-10ms full duplex latency in all other software environments (Ableton, Cubase, Audiomulch). The audio hardware entries I have in pd (via -listdev) are:
(0)microsoft mapper
(0)emu usb 0404
(1)asio emu usb 0404
selecting the first emu entry gives clear audio, but with>37ms delay; selecting the asio entry creates garbled audio (buffers overflowing?) at any setting.
Could any knowledgable soul suggest suitable startup flags to address this problem? I'd like to be able to use midiyoke at the same time, but it's not vital; I have a sneaking suspicion that midiyoke is at fault