@tomchaossen thanks a lot, I really appreciate it. And well, for sure we can also contact their mailing list and they would help us, but I fear I overspammed them today with tons of random ideas and bug reports But I can give it a day and then knock on their door once again.
Polyphonic Microtonal Synth
@Helder said:
My problem is in getting each midi note seperated to each oscillator for pitch modulation. I used (select) and then the midi note numbers for C, C#, D, etc. to seperate the notes to each oscillator but then (select) sends bang, not the note number pressed
To maintain your value after a routing is very easy in Pd. Just use the route object and then repeat the value before route.
@pulsed That's very witty indeed
Why is that funny
@pulsed Funny? I said witty, meaning clever. I think you misunderstood me.
EDIT: I am no native speaker of English, and I just found out that the most common use of witty is to mean a funny remark. That said, I also found wit defined as:
understanding, intelligence, or sagacity; astuteness.
Synonyms: wisdom, sense, mind.
So it was a compliment -
Aha ok. And thank you!