and in the worst case i can use them in normal pd and send the resulting tables over to pd-lork with some send options
Polyphonic Microtonal Synth
@tomchaossen Please let me know if you manage to compile them, I have very little experience compiling externals and I would appreciate some guidance. The GUI is really nice, and a lot of the annoying bugs (or "features") found in extended were solved: you have infinite undos, you can connect multiple cables to objects, you can hold shift to keep connecting cords from a same outlet, you have a better tidy up algorithm, you can bring objects up and down in their layers (so no more deleting and pasting and losing connections when something has to be above something else), you can use the home and end keys in your keyboard while typing, autopatch is automatically on, and the list goes on and on. On top of it all, the developers are very active and friendly, and they have already fixed a ton of stuff that I found problematic. Really amazing stuff.
i will try to build some externals and send you an makefile which is working, if i dont get it working this night i got some well studied friends which can hopefully make it work =)
@tomchaossen thanks a lot, I really appreciate it. And well, for sure we can also contact their mailing list and they would help us, but I fear I overspammed them today with tons of random ideas and bug reports But I can give it a day and then knock on their door once again.
@Helder said:
My problem is in getting each midi note seperated to each oscillator for pitch modulation. I used (select) and then the midi note numbers for C, C#, D, etc. to seperate the notes to each oscillator but then (select) sends bang, not the note number pressed
To maintain your value after a routing is very easy in Pd. Just use the route object and then repeat the value before route.
@pulsed That's very witty indeed
Why is that funny
@pulsed Funny? I said witty, meaning clever. I think you misunderstood me.
EDIT: I am no native speaker of English, and I just found out that the most common use of witty is to mean a funny remark. That said, I also found wit defined as:
understanding, intelligence, or sagacity; astuteness.
Synonyms: wisdom, sense, mind.
So it was a compliment -
Aha ok. And thank you!