You can't use [phasor~] to read an array via [tabread~] like that, because the output of [phasor~] is always between 0. and 1., while [tabread~] uses a single integer number for each sample (that is, it has 44100 units for every second of sound at a sample rate of 44100). So if you want to use [phasor~], you need this:
[phasor~ 1]
[*~ 44100]
[tabread~ array]
You will need to exchange the numbers above if your sample has a different size than 1 second.
Alternatively, you can automatize the process of copying one array into another by using [line~] by simultaneously triggering the moment in which an array is to be copied, and to read it as well.
So have a look on this little patch below. This is before clicking in the message [0, 44100 1000(:
And this is after:
You can find the patch here: Untitled-2.pd
I hope this helps. Take care,