A happy little jam I made.
All the sounds are my voice trough pd.
The patch uses hermholz~ by katjav to find the pitch, and it has the analysis part of a vocoder.
Then, instead of a soundsource trough a bunch of bp filters, it uses banks of oscillators that have a formant by themselves, like PAF, vosim and FOF.
Another trick it uses extensively is ring modulation of the input signal with an oscillator that has the same pitch (up or down one or more octaves).
This sounds great whith the CZ-oscillators by Maelstorm as the modulator.
It also tracks the main formant of the input, and uses that as the cutoff of a muug~, and also as the res freq of the CZ oscs mentioned above.
Great fun, controlling a filter by going ou-wah....
Finally there's a kick, snare and HH that get triggered when you make corresponding sounds.
Hope you enjoy it!