Hi all!
I've been using my own modified version of Axiome looper[1] a year and half now. The problem is that every time I load samples to a looper, a little dropout happens. I think this is usual behaviour with soundfiler.
I've read about threaded soundfiler object [2] but I'm not sure how hard it is to get this object compiled. I think I should compile whole pd-extended.
Is there threaded soundfiler object or some other object already installed and ready to use in pd-extended? If not, is there any plans to include one in future versions?
And last, what would be the best way to get rid of audio dropouts? Do I have to compile pd-extended by myself? How hard would it be in KXStudio Linux installation based on Ubuntu 12.10?
[1] http://heikki.ketoharju.info/en/axiome
[2] http://grh.mur.at/software/sndfiler.html