I understand that message and object dollar args ($1 etc) are substituted with values from different types of sources: Object arg values are from their enclosing scope's creation arg values and message args are from their inlet values. What do I do if I want to create an object with a dynamic value from a message?
Specifically I want a small abstraction wrapping [ctlin] so I can choose during runtime which control (and/or its channel) it's getting CC values from. [ctlin] has no inlets, nor properties (so no receive symbol), only creation args. I thought that I could Put a [ctlinWrapper] subpatch in my patch (saved in the same folder or in the Path as ctlinWrapper.pd ). In the subpatch include [inlet]-[f] to accept a message sent in the enclosing patch connected to the subpatch inlet, that would be available in the subpatch as $1. Then I could include in the subpatch [ctlin $1] . But the $1 in [ctlin $1] doesn't seem to receive the value from the inlet, as [ctlin $1] doesn't output any value even when I work the MIDI control that generates the CC signal.
Is there a way to specify by message during runtime a creation arg of an object? Or otherwise specify during runtime rather than at creation the control that [ctlin] reports?