Hey guys, I'm working on a proposal for my major project this year, and i decided to use PD to make an A/V patch according to my specifications. The idea is to make elements for music making such as, drums, synth and maybe a sampler and sync these elements to some sort of visuals generator in GEM.
All the parameters placed on a drum machine should have a direct effect on the outcome of the visuals. For example, the pitch, attack and decay knobs on the kick of the drum machine should be able to manipulate certain parts of the visuals, maybe add some different filtering? or change in colors and shapes? gravity?
To build a decent proposal, i had to look into similar projects and this is what I've found so far which comes to close to what i want to do.
1. Z game editor Visualizer
2. Tons of PD patches that sorta similar, but not entirely.
3. Touch Designer
4. Screen Monkey
Most of these apps are used for ready made video loops and to control lighting and stuff. Can anyone add something else to this list? list anything that comes even close to my idea.
p.s im very new to pd and this community, so i humbly apologize for posting something in the wrong section or if I'm making no sense :S. but any help will be greatly appreciated