There's a lot here, so I'm going to try and break it up.
@Flipp said:
...and what's about the GEM-section-example: "If there is no place in here, they meet elsewhere.." Seems to be true: No place - no devs.. (..okay, few...)
I don't know what you mean by this. The #pixel section is for graphic programming in Pd. It has nothing to do with development of Pd.
I'm also think pd should stay as light as possible, but there are really some features missing, not only objects. Eg. the whole datastructure-thing is not really finished, I'd say.. maybe even bugs inside.. (And the vanilla graphics are maybe a little too minimalistic for a visual programming software...)
Pd-vanilla is Miller Puckette's project. I've been a member of this forum since 2007, and I've NEVER seen Miller post something here. If you want something added to Pd-vanilla, this isn't the place to request it. He won't see it.
What's about reducing the "FR"- and a "bugs"- to one "(pre)dev"-section?!
The devs have their place. What's the point of telling THEM where to look for feature requests when they've already told YOU where to go to request them?
Sourceforge is rather for one-way communication and both sourceforge and the lists are rather made for the devs. And I guess the devs do have other things in mind than new features as long as there are old features to worry about..
So who talks about the new features?!
The devs. Unless you want to do the work yourself, no new feature will be added without the devs. Look at Pd-L2Ork. That's done by a guy who wanted new features that hadn't been added yet. And he hangs out on the list where the other devs are to talk about how his new features can be implemented in Pd-vanilla and Pd-extended.
And ..first of all takes a look if it's not already there.. ..finds out if it's a good idea, giving pros and contras.. Or bringing different features together, and what not.. This goes for bugs as well. ..Finding out if it's an OS dependent bug of if it's just the user himself..
Dude, look at the list archives. This is pretty much the majority of what's there.
All this does not need to be done by the devs.
They implement it, so they have to be involved.
And all this rises the chance to actually get a new feature in the end..
Finally if we find a good one, we could even just visit sourceforge, saying "hey take a look here". And I guess in all it will be more productive than just giving some unrelated crazy ideas to the devs one by one...
If we have a discussion here about a cool idea, it might be fun, but it might be asking for something that would be incredibly difficult or impossible to implement. We wouldn't know without the devs' input. And it simply wouldn't get done any faster.
Look, if any devs actually hung out here on a regular basis, I'd be down with this idea. But they just don't. I'd like them to, but they don't. There have been several times on the list where someone submits a bug fix, and one of the devs asks them to submit it to the patch tracker. And the reason is that they have a system that allows them to get work done more efficiently for them. It wouldn't really be appropriate for us to demand that they look here as well.
At least the really stupid spambots could easily be held off with a "captcha" at registration or something... [...] Other forums don't seem to have such problems, so there must be a reason for that...
Yeah...The reason is that we use an old version of this forum, and the guy who actually runs the server is too busy to update it. One of these days, though. 
Of course there are lots of 'groovy' people in here, but already enough??
As far as I can see the rather skilled people are rather using the list..
I also see very few patches shared on the list, and very few people asking for help about what is wrong with their patch or asking "dumb" questions. That's what this place provides: help for people trying to learn Pd. A lot of what is on the list is whether or not some minor esoteric quirk in Pd is the right or wrong way to do it. Which makes it a good place for feature requests.
and there's no space for them in here...
There is, they just don't discuss things that are discussed here as much.
so sooner or later I'll register to the lists and will find some help in programming but as well with the usual pd-stuff. This makes me not use the forums anymore. ..theoretically.
I've been on the list for almost as long as I've been on this forum. I read it, but I rarely ask or answer questions because the discussion is just different than what it is here. I definitely encourage you and everyone else to register (especially if you have features you'd like to request), but I don't think it makes the forum obsolete.
..What is the advantage of the lists over a separate section inside this forum??
Mainly the devs. Miller posts there from time to time, and the other devs posts several times a day. If you find a bug or would like something changed, and you want it to get noticed quickly with some discussion, that's where you go.
I find this forum to be far more comfortable than the lists.
So do I. Mailing lists seem like a dinosaur of the Internet to me, but they're still popular in programming circles.
Maybe one could see this as a training-camp for newbies who shall never come back once their basic training has finished.....
NO!! This place is newbie-friendly, but there is plenty of discussion for advanced users. Look at the stuff katjav, acreil, nau, and others have posted in the past year or so. That's not newbie stuff, and yet there's plenty of discussion. And once you've finished training...teach! Sometimes the best way to learn is to try and teach others. That's a big reason why I became so active here.