I'm running PD 0.43.4 extended on W7 on an ASUS N76V notebook.
Whenever I connect the ~osc or ~phasor to the dac~ I get a low amplitude high frequency beep on top of the desired output. A PD filter does not help, since the beep is not supposed to be sent out.
When I set the osc~ near zero, the beep starts pulsing. Away from zero it becomes continuous.
On low freq at the phasor~ the beep seems to increase until the "tac" (sharp edge of the phasor) to drop and start rising again.
Any idea on how to overcome this? Will I need an external hardware filter?
The simplest patch representing this.
[osc~ or phasor~]
Thanks in advance for your help. Would be great if this has an easy solution.