I'm trying to use the data I'm getting from a webcam to convert from OSC into midi in pure data. I'm getting a signal in pd so I know the ports are connected (I'm using OpenTSPS to track with a webcam), but when I try to convert the signals they are not changing in the number boxes.
I've attached the patch.
In OpenTSPS the numbers are supposedly: int blob id /int blob age /float blob centre x /float blob centre y (and then some more which I don't need to convert).
When I get a signal it looks like this in pd:
unpacked: /TSPS/personUpdated/ 0 0 1198 0.628212 0.873235 1.00037 0.943298 0.192574 0.525 0.697917 0.226563 0.3 417.303 437.32 0 0 0 0 0 0
Any thoughts on why the number boxes aren't changing?
Thanks in advance!