Hello, having trouble installing external libraries in pd, I'm in Xubuntu, so I'm new to Pd and Linux both.
tried almost everything in posts but there's not a lot of information on the topic, thanks in advance
I have three folder containing one sample library (according to pd web site and other resources these are standard folders for external libraries)
~/Pd-externals/moonlib; /usr/local/lib/pd-externals/moonlib; and /usr/lib/pd/extra/moonlib
My path config in Pd is: ~/Pd-externals; /usr/local/lib/pd-externals; and /usr/lib/pd/extra
I've tried the next Startup configs (and every other logic folder variation):
-helppath ~/Pd-externals
-stdpath ~/Pd-externals
Console print at startup:
tried /home/sosimicro/Pd-externals and failed /home/sosimicro/Pd-externals: can't open
Console prints a long list of errors when I try to create a library object like [mkob]
I'm in a dead end, I really don't want to install pd-extended, there must be a way