I didn't find it in the help index but maybe I missed it? Was it just considered not useful?
Does the drunk object still exist in pd 0.42.5?
Awesome! What I add to the path list won't alter what's already being loaded by default though, will it?
No it will not alter anything else.
Thanks man!
@alistair_blunt Hi. I can't seem to find "file" or "path". The only "file"s I know of are the one on the upper left corner inside a Pd patch, the one at the same location in the "main" Pd window ("terminal" or whatever you wanna call it), and the one in the Pd directory (or any other directory opened in Windows 8.1, which is a crap OS). Is the OS to blame, or am I just being really nooby? Please help, I really need this 'drunk' object!
@leirgauk hi, are you using pd-extended or vanilla pd? On my computer, the latest version of pd-extended (0.43.4) loads both [drunk] and [knob] by default. I am using Linux, by the way, but I dual boot Windows 8.1. If you are still having problems, I can boot on Windows and check it out for you later today.
As for adding a folder to the path, on Pd's main window click on "Edit", then "Preferences" and then to add a new folder to your path, click "New..." and chose the folder. Remember to restart Pd after modifying your path.
Did you try anything like [cyclone/drunk] and [flatgui/knob] (or [moonlib/mknob]), [declare] or [import] ?
I'm thinking about this topic : http://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/6743/how-to-install-externals-libraries-gui-plug-ins-etc ...
As from version 0.43 "loading a library from within the patch" becomes the rule, it could be a good incentive to start using in from now. -
@nau I wasn't aware of these changes, thanks for posting that link!
But what I don't understand is why I do not have to add [import cyclone] nor use [cyclone/drunk] on my system - I can simply use [drunk] as I always did with Pd.
That link also states:
You can open the preferences and add a path, but it won't save it.
Well, I am 100% certain that I can add folders to the path via "Edit" and "Preferences", I just have to restart Pd in order for it to take effect.
@gsagostinho said:
But what I don't understand is why I do not have to add [import cyclone] nor use [cyclone/drunk] on my system - I can simply use [drunk] as I always did with Pd.
Sorry, I wasn't clear : maybe should you try using these ways of declaring [drunk], not avoid them
@nau Hmm, now things get a bit annoying. Although I do understand that adding these [import <library name>] for pd-extended default libraries do make the code clearer and also helps to share it with people using vanilla, it would be a pain to find out which objects out of the thousands that come with pd-extended are part of an external library and which are part of vanilla, particularly for people that are used to work with pd-extended (and therefore do not necessarily know which objects are different between both distros). For me, [drunk] is as standard as [random], I have been using them both for years and I often forget the first is not vanilla friendly. So yeah...