I'm not sure, but extended is more difficult to port due to the many dev that have worked on portions of code maintining extended must be a huge load of work. Keep in mind that the project is till young, at some point we may say an extended version of pd-for-android who knows ? you can still build your externals for android : http://puredata.info/docs/developer/BuildingPdForAndroid
but I never got it to work (haven't try that much ...). You can use the rjlib which should give you some clues on how to replace your externals by vanilla abstraction : https://github.com/rjdj/rjlib
But I want to stress out the point that working with less objects could help you to get creative, it's actually really fun 
If you want to use libpd within eclipse, you need to have som basic coding skills.
Something like java or processing will work. I've developped an app with processing and libpd, it should be available soon and I will publish the code which is commented.
I also want to write a full how-to on that but I'm missing some time. When it's ready I will probably post it in the news section of this forum.
It mainly depends on what you actually want to do : do you want to port your patch with a gui and being able to play the on your phone ? or do you want to create animations, visualisations and stuff with dynamic graphics ?
for the first one you want DroidParty or ScenePlayer : you just need some pd skills
for the second one you want libpd tied to another programming language.
about rjdj and sceneplayer I've written this : http://code.google.com/p/some-pure-data-projects/downloads/list
choose the english pdf , the pd patches are in the french zip and commented in french only.
If you want to go the eclipse route I can help you get started if you want