greets all. i have a new ( in a series of new) issues.
I have finally goten my looper to do what i want. on my interface i have a joystick that, when flicked in direction "one" will resize the looper tables to 30seconds, and clear any audio within them (i am using some of Katja's looper code for the loops). then when clicking in the other direction once, a spigot opens for the choosen looper (of , to allow recording while a timer is initiated. click that again does a number of things.
1. it send another bang to the timer, whose output is then converted into ranges and sent to a vline for use in controlling the playback of the loopers.
2. it closes the spigot that was opened with the first click so that all subsequent loop record clicks simply record within the given length range without interferring with the loop length.
3. closes the spigot that controls the audio going into each looper.
the problem is that it wont record any audio for the first loop. it records the loop length prefectly but i must click again to instantiate recording of audio at the new loop length.
i "think" that there must be some order in which these things are instantiated. i assume that the "resize" must be done just slightly ahead of the end of the audio recording, but i could be wrong.
is there an issue with recording to a table while it is being resized? if so, is there a way to resize the table that is being recorded into, quickly enough that there isnt a glitch? any insight whatsoever is most highly appreciated.