Hello! I am new in this forum, this is my very first sint
This sint have four inputs, and you can connect a oscilator, a sampler, other sint like this or different, noise a micro input, etc..
This is a up level description of how it works:
vol: volume of the sint without the [ead~] objet
env: volume of the sint with [ead~]
dly: delay effect
frec: frecuency of the main oscilator
atk: control of the attack
dec: control of the decay
hip: hipass filter
lop: lopass filter
time:time of the delay
fdbk: feedback of the delay
mod: modulation, this is the "slave" oscilator
FM1, FM2, FM3, FM4 : frecuency modulation, controls the inputs of the sint
rand: enables randomness
seed: higer value put the faders up, low level puts the faders near the bottom.
rnd.trigger: enables a trigger that works ranmdomly, this is conected with the [ead~] objet
sin, sqr, saw, noise: selects the wave, if no wave is selected then there is no sound
the left output is for dac~
the right output is for send to other sint and for realimentation, is volume independent
Things that I want to improve:
+how select only one wave
+when the time of delay changes abruptly then there is clipping
+faders dont hold the position when rand is dissabled
+is possible to avoid clipping without the [clip] objet?
I need some help, is very possible that things have wrong connected or desing errors...
I want critics!
The next improvement that I go to try is to add a LFO
thanks, goodbye!