Hi, I'm beginner in Pure Data and I' have a problem with writesf~. I work with windows 7. I send the message [open] (path and filename.wav) along with the messages [start] and [stop] exactly like you see here...
(I click on the message open first, then I click on start to start recording, after I click on the stop message.)
But it doesn't work.
Thanks for your help.
Problem with writesf~
umm, i think [savepanel] is actually correct. When using [writesf~] you generally want to save to a new filename.
i actually had the same problem using pure data extended in windows 7 (not always though), once i clicked on [open path filename(
i couldnt find the file for some reason, the path was correct and the filename was just one word so no problem there also... i had to close pd and restart it and it worked after a couple of times. maybe its a windows 7 thing??
i should also add that once [open( started working again a bunch of files appeared from all the attempts i made by clicking on [open( with all the different filenames i experimented with until it worked...
Oh, shit, you're right mod. I thought it was [readsf~]. Pay no attention to me!
I'm in Windows 7 also, and [writesf~] works for me, with one caveat: it never works the first time.
Any time I want to use it, I do the open routine (which you've already covered), and then send a "start" and "stop" message, then open the file again, and then it works for me.
@evilsheep23 said:
I'm in Windows 7 also, and [writesf~] works for me, with one caveat: it never works the first time.
Any time I want to use it, I do the open routine (which you've already covered), and then send a "start" and "stop" message, then open the file again, and then it works for me.
i'm in osX and i have the same caveat. does anyone know why this is?
can one of you guys post a patch to show how you're using writesf~ ? at least that way we see if there's a patch error.
it turns out i need to recant my previous statement. my recorder~ seems to be working just fine... i've had issues in the past with having to save one empty throwaway file before i could be positive writesf~ would be reliable (i hadn't used this abstraction in a while because of that). if this comes up again, i'll try to troubleshoot it and report.
just for kicks i attached it, if someone spots something fishy, or if evilsheep wants to take a look at it, it could be helpful.
yep, as i expected. whenever anyone says something like 'it only works the first time' or 'it doesn't work the first time', then there's a really high probability of having multiple cables coming out of one outlet of an object. This confuses the execution order.
in your main patch, you have 3 cables coming out of the 2 left outlets of [sel 0 1]. If you take just one cable from each one, and connect it to a [t b b b] you can ensure the order will be correct.
also, in the [pd makefilename] subpatch, ther are 2 cables coming out from [list2symbol] about half way down the page. Like wise, you want to take one cable from that object and split it with [t a a] or [t l l]
(that second one is 'trigger list list' - i don't really like to use it, because 'trigger anything (t a) works just as well in almost every case, and the lower case 'L' is too similar to a 1 or a | )
thanks for the help mod! i know this is a common topic, so i've attached the edited patch for anyone who wants to see it.