Is there some sort of option similar to a boolean operation that can determine if two inputs are the same, like [== ], but don't send out a bang? Alternatively, is there a way to block a bang?
Boolean Without A Bang?
[== ] doesn't send out a bang. It sends 1 if true, 0 if false. What kind of behavior are you looking for?
Thanks for the reply, but I actually figured it out, using [== ] actually! It sends out a 1 or 0, but it also bangs out that answer, so a bang is transferred straight thru to [allow ]
I wanted it to detect if the left inlet and right inlet were both equal to 1 at the same time.
I ended up using this subpatch. It's called NinetySix, because I had to connect each of its four inlets and outlets 96 times. 384 Connections.
To the right inlet I had a toggle that is sent from TouchOSC in a sequencer and to the left inlet I had a counter fed into another [== ] depending on which number the counter was on. It may be convoluted, but it works.
You can use the set message to set a message without banging it. I didn't download your patch but is this any use?