I'm doing a project for iOS and therefore the GPL objects from PD (like expr, limiter~, z~) can't be used. Is there another simple way to create a limiter? Maybe using env and then lowering the volume if it's above 1? Any best practices, advice, or sample patches for something like this?
How to make a limiter with PD vanilla objects (and no expr)?
There's [e_scompress] in the RjLib - https://github.com/rjdj/rjlib
Otherwise you can do a really dirty limiter with [env~] like you mentioned. See attached patch.
Thank you for the quick response Jwif! I'll try these out.
Hi all, I'm new around here.
I'm trying to make an iOS app using libpd too, and wanted to make a rough and ready output limiter. Jwif's code was very useful. I made a slightly improved version (I think) that basically divides the output by the peak power - assuming it's about 3db greater than the rms. Attached.
here's the limiter i'm using in my Nigredo patch that you can find in the patches section. it uses cyclones [average~] and [expr~] though, but maybe you can replace those. it has an lop for smoothing and to my ear it sounds perfectly clean. the downside is that it causes quite a bit of delay. the slider regulates the intensity and automatically adds makeup gain so it's easy to use. it can do extreme squeezing without adding artifacts.
Hi ralf, seems I never saw your solution.
Looks really great. I was wondering what is supposed to be in the right most inlet? I checked out your Nigredo patch, but it seems you're using a CSSound limiter instead? I could find an example use of this version.