Since pd disallows the use of the backslash is there any possible way to create a msg with variables? ie [set $1 $2 $3]. If the creation message reads [msg 100 100 set $1 $2 $3] the object becomes [set 0 0 0].
One more dynamic-object-creation question
Thought about it a bit and came up with this
Any easier way?
It's a tricky one. Try this:
[t b b]
| |
| [1, 2, 3(
| |
| [makefilename $%d]
| |
|X[t l]
| |
[msg 100 100 set $1 $2 $3(The outlet of goes into [t l], which goes into the right inlet of .
Or I guess that works, too.
Thanks for that. Looks like it's more or less going to have to be a permutation of this tricky solution. As long as it works!