Just a quick question,
I am going to be using spatialistaion. I know there is a module in max msp called spat where, on shifting a sound from one speaker to the next speaker, or on creating the typical circular movement around the concert hall at different speeds with the added comfort of creating accellerandi and ritardandi,
"spat", i'm told, must be given the following parameters:
1.channels involved, (the total number of channels (1-8),
2. order of loudspeaker change (ie 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-1-2... etc.)),
3. the speed of loudspeaker-to-loudspeaker transition (4 seconds as a target ramp time),
4. target change of speed (in this case going from 4 secs speaker transition to 2 secs speaker transition, ie accelerando to double speed)
5. over how much time (ie. 30 secs accellerando)
...i think that's all the parameters involved.
Is there a similar object, in Pd, or would I have to create a chain of abstractions involving specified no. of channels with ramp times?