I've created an abstraction over the phaseVocoder example (I07.phase.vocoder.pd).
I want to have a lot of object instances of that abstraction, to reproduce different sounds pitch altered.
I've run into a problem after creating more than (aprox.) 20 instances of this abstraction.
The sound starts to be bad.
I've realised that, if the [block~] set made in fft-analisys inside the example is removed, then it generates no problem after adding as many objects I want.
I've tried that, setting a window-size of the default [block~] size: 64, but it doesn't sounds very good to me.
I only get good results with a window-size of about 512. Then I need the [block~] set, in order to phase vocoder work properly.
Any thoughts?
I could bring more information if anyone is interested.
Pablo Bounous.
YARMI project. http://yarmidev.wordpress.com/yarmi/