So if I want to try making some Android applications from my Pd patches using libpd, and I know nothing about non-graphical programming environments beyond about 3 lines of GW-BASIC from circa 1992, what's the best way to go about doing it? I.e., which aspects of which languages do I need to learn, and what are the most appropriate resources for learning them?
Libpd: An embeddable sound engine for Android, iOS, C, Java, and more
Hi ichabod,
you might want to try this first
Then I know there are nice stuff going on to link libpd to processing, so processing might be a good choice (that's the choice I've done)
There are already a few tuto to developp stuff with processing and libpd :
and has been posted out somewhere on the Pd-everywhere forum at so there might be an updated version there. Anyway you'll find more info out there too
Have fun !
Awesome, thanks!
Will give it a try indeed of eclipse which was so hard to use
What kind of video do you want ?
one for setting up eclipse, android SDK and libpd on your machine ? because that would be long, and btw what is your OS ?
whereas developping patches for the sceneplayer and the droidparty is pretty straightforward. You developp a patch with pd vanilla, name it properly (e.g. for sceneplayer in folder which name finishes by ".rj", the patch should be called _main.pd / and for droidparty : any folder, patch should be called droidparty_main.pd) then you copy it to your SD card (USB cable, or Wifi sharing), fire up the app in question and add the patches. That's all !
Hi Shawn,
I don't have time to make a video right now, but I've written detailed steps on how to do that.
here it is :
have fun!