Hello Users!
How can I connect Pd & Bidule?
I know Jack for Audio, but I want to send Midi files to Pure Data and back.
Sorry, I use pd since a long time, but I dont understand how to connect it with other programs.
Connect Pd & Bidule
Hello Users!
How can I connect Pd & Bidule?
I know Jack for Audio, but I want to send Midi files to Pure Data and back.
Sorry, I use pd since a long time, but I dont understand how to connect it with other programs.
When you say midi files, i assume midi data?
you need to use iac buses to send midi between apps - Audio Midi setup in osx. Then select one bus for midi in on Pd, and another bus for the return midi, and select that as an input device in bidule. I'm not sure what would happen if you just use one bus for this (whether there'd be some feedback)
hope this helps
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