Hi All
I'm trying to implement the neural oscillator described in this article
It's basically 5 equations describing a pair of coupled neurons (or rather a simplified model of two coupled neurons). The author of the paper implemented in C++ , but I want to implement as a PD abstraction since my C++ is pretty well nonexistent and for the moment at least I just want to get a feel for what the possibilities are. I tried to implement in MAX/MSP 4, but there is no expr~ external for the windows version and I got nowhere trying to do the calculation with the maths objects. I have an excel spreadsheet doing the calcs and the output behaves the way I'd expect, so I'm fairly certain I've got the calcs right, It's just implementing in PD that I'm having trouble with.
The equations (bottom of page 1) are iterative - each new set of values for the equations depends on the output values for the previous step - eg X Y and Z at time n are calculated on the basis of the values X Y and Z at time n-1.
This leads me to the first question - since this means I need to do stepwise calculation, presumably I'll need to use fexpr~ (sample wise calculation) rather than expr~ (vector calculation)?
Or have I misunderstood? expr~ does vector calculations - and I'm assuming that's a displacement/amplitude vector - displacement from 0 over time t. If so, and since the time base is going to be constant surely I can just treat t as 1 - ie, ignore it - for present purposes?
That may be incredibly naive though - I'm new to expr~.
The second question is - does anyone have any ideas how I can start the thing running? Since it always needs a n-1 value to calculate the n value, I need to initialise it with values. Working on the principle that this is more or less a kind of waveshaping feedback synthesis I thought about just firing a short blast of white noise at all of the inputs to get the thing started.
Again, naive?
Either way, whether or not you have ideas to help - that paper is worth a look. Interesting stuff.