I want to build a patch that choose the lowest midi note of all active notes (by holding or pedal). So I have to build a mechanism that stores all actives notes (when a note is inactive it should be kicked out from the list) and then another mechanism that searches all the time to find the lowest note from the active list. The problem is that I don't know how to build it. Any help would be appreciated!
Choosing the lowest active midi note!
if you have pd-extended, then have a look for the [list-abs] directory. i'm pretty sure there is an abstraction in there that does exactly what you want.
actually, i think list-abs works with vanilla just as well, so a google search of 'pd list abs' may probably find it for you too. but it is installed in extended by default.
Haha, today is the day I discover all of the abstractions I've made for myself were already in Pd-extended.
tomorrow you'll discover diy2
pd redefining mathematics |expr fact(0)|==0
To find the lowest note is very easy with list-minmax. I still can't make a patch that saves in a list all the active midi notes. I have tried the list-extend in order to sum up the note-on notes but my problem is how to subtract in this list the note-off notes. I tried list-find and list-delete with no results. Is there any list object that removes from a list given numbers? Thanks in advance.
Finally I found it!!! I am posting it in case someone is interested!