@ledhed2222 said:
Hellooooo Pd-ers.
Who is this new kid Plogue Bidule and why can't Pd users run Pd as a plugin like it can?
Why can't I run my patches within a DAW and automate atoms, sliders, toggles, and bangs?
Would it be possible to get Pd to run as an Audio Unit plugin?
And finally...
Is anyone interested in helping me code such a plugin?
I don't know about you all, but I'm jealous of Bidule! Let's beat it!
Well, can you code such a thing? because I certainly don't have the programming chops unfortunately. But I would like to see tighter integration with other software for sure. I mean there is Jack OSX and IAC bus, but if Pd was running in the same logical thread that woud be schweet.
This is currently PdVST but thats only for WIndows and i dont know how well maintained it it, but maybe its a starting point. Supercollider has an interesting way of doing it, the AU plugin its distributed with is a version of the SC server thats instantiated as a plugin but uses the interface of the externally loaded SC app to connect to it and likewise map midi and control data whatever to it. I think something like that would be good for Pd. Kind of a half way house, because Pd is really 2 apps - the GUI and the sound engine.
I have noticed a rise in the number of peple coming from MAx over to PD, and I dont doubt it has something to do with Ableton and Cycling 74 teaming up. COmmercial mergers alienate people, usually loyal customers.....I think that with the advent of Max for Live, something should be done, but I've said this before, its hard to justify saying something like that without taking action and doing it. WE don't have to pay for it so we can't expect it.
BTW - I've used Bidule quite a lot but i find the core usage of having to find the object through menus really slow and frustrating. I much prefer to type on the canvas a la PD. Also it can be an unneccesary CPU hog, because there is no apparent distinction between control rate and audio rate. But, that said it does do some things very well like handling plugins for example.
But I'm happy to help where I can for what its worth