Hello all,
Thank for taking the time to read/try and help. I'm a rusty Max/MSP convert who's fumbling away and needs a pointer or two.
I'm trying to make a patch for an art installation foolproof so that I can happily leave it running for a month. The patch needs to stream audio using mp3stream~.
Because I cannot guarantee the internet connection at the gallery I'm preparing a fallback mode where the patch would switch to a recording until the connection was re-established.
The method I have devised is a simple test on the audio levels of the incoming streams. This is 'ok' but the source audio I'm using (police scanner radio) can be sparse at times anyway so the test may bring up false positives when the radio streams are just a bit quiet.
I was wondering if there is something a bit more elegant I could use perhaps involving pinging a server or something similar to test the connection? If anyone's got any pointers and could spare the minute to share them it'd make my day.