this doesn't work quite like that, since the ways of tehcnical workings are different.
what the freeframes and the glsl pixel shaders always do, is modifying the pixels of a texture.
when you are creating a normal like a cube, circle or a model, they are in a state that is different to a pixelimage. they are sort of in a real 3d envorinment.
... i sort of think of it like the difference between vector- and pixel-graphics that we find in illustrator vs. photoshop.
what you can do is render your whole 3d-space to a rectangle, so it all becomes a texture that gets updated in realtime. then you can apply all the effects the work on videos on that.
you need to use frambuffering for that (see 07.texture->07.framebuffering and 10.glsl->06.framebufferandshader in the gem examples )
there is ways to influence the actual object through glsl shaders. like "primitive distortion" in the glsl gem examples.
but this distorts "only" the mesh of the object by moving its faces around.
sort of like taper, twists or explode, that you can find in a 3dmodelling program.
i imagine, if one wants to write a shader for a native glow, we'd have to think in ways of creating millions of new tiny rectangels with transparencies in realtime floating like particles around the native object.
unfortunately, the geometry shading patch in the examples doesn't work for me ("error: gl: invalid variable"...whatever that means), so i can't work on that further. ...yet. 
i am a total noob to glsl, so for now i am more than occupied figuring out glsl pixel shaders and not entirely sure if what i say here is correct.
please correct me, anybody, if i am wrong - got a lot to learn.