Does anyone know how to make an "enveloppe follower" in pd?
The id is to use audio dynamic to control a video parameter
Enveloppe follower
Does anyone know how to make an "enveloppe follower" in pd?
The id is to use audio dynamic to control a video parameter
Take a look at [env~].
Check out Help Browser -> -> H06.envelope.follower.pd for an explanation on how to make one.
Basically you square the signal, pass that through a lop~ at a low frequency (between 1 and 20Hz) and then get the square root of that. The higher the frequency of the low pass filter the more responsive the follower will be.
That's basically what env~ does.
thanks for that explanation saturno.
If you want a super accurate follower than you'll need to use a linear phase FIR low pass filter. But that will give you phase delay anywhere between 2 and 6 ms.
For most applications you don't need a super accurate follower. I might be mistaken but I believe env~ has a slightly more accurate low pass filter than lop~
i was just thinking that with the method you described, it would be easy to adjust the cutoff of the lop~ in realtime, and make some nice effects.
ok thanks everyone.
very usefull
By the way, does a "pitch follower" exist?
@halflifebe said:
By the way, does a "pitch follower" exist?
[fiddle~] is forseen for that purpose, but it's not always very easy to tame...
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