Hi everyone,
Sorry for an obvious question (I've been reading/searching/trying all week)...but, I'm playing around with building a patch to make up for a 'lack' in ableton live having to do with the follow actions that it uses...to not go into too much detail, ableton allows you to put trigger options on the end of clips that randomly selects another clip in it's 'column' but it would be good to be able to dictate other options, like playing samples from other 'columns' (files) etc.
Anyway, so I thought I'd begin by building a simple multi-wave trigger player, but I'm confused with all of the various sample playback objects...readsf, tabread, tabread4, sampleplayer, etc..
Can anyone explain the best uses of each? I know that most put the sampled sound into ram (via an array right?) but I playback very long samples (8 to 10 at the same time, often 5-8 minutes duration each).
I'm not interested in manipulating the sounds as they play, just trigger, and allow to either loop, or randomly select another sample from a designated file.
So, my questions are...can someone explain the differences and best uses of each of the sample playback objects?
And two, could someone help me or point me in the right direction to add the functionality of having each 'playback strip' be able to either loop or with a toggle switch, randomly select and playback sample from a pre-selected file?
Thanks...I've attached my baby-patch that I've worked on today with...I've er, stolen from most of you here