hi all
i try build distortion effect
is this right way to do it?
hmm, as technically distortion is always "wrong", i don't know what would be the "right" way to do it?
as a long-time distortion lover, i would say whatever sounds cool. if your looking for a more traditional or guitar-like sound, some filtering might be required. some lowpass after the distortion (maybe high-pass too), and maybe try a little (or more) middle boost before the distortion...
also, try some ring modulation to change the character. and i personally love the pseudo-octave-fuzz sound. anyone know how to achieve this in pd? ie. rectify the signal?
for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Univox_Super-Fuzz#Sound
i dont have the "mux" external.
my favourite way to make distortion in pd is to do some stuff before [overdrive~]
it goes like this.
[signal comes in here]
[*~ 4] (play around with the number, i have a number box hooked up, i call this "harshness"
[clip~ -1 1] brings it back to a normal level also gives you lots of harsh edges to put through
[overdrive~ 25] again a fader here is good
[clip~ -1 1]
[*~] this is your final volume control/ on off switchi run this parallel to the clean signal, ive never used it with a guitar, but it works brilliant on drums for getting a massive sound.
puredata punx http://www.cyberpunki.biz
Waveshaping can also lead to some groovy results (but also very very harsh if uncontrolled)... Search the forum for waveshaping, there's a thread with about 15 replies or so which explains how easy you can set it up in pd.
|] [] |.| ][|-| -- http://soundcloud.com/domxh
thanx guys, you realy help me.
here there is another combination