according to the Unofficial Pd v0.37 fileformat specification by Simon Asselbergs and Tjeerd Sietsma at, colors (for canvases, labels, etc) are stored in the Pd file according to the following scheme:
"Color: Some graphical elements have color attributes. Per color only one signed integer value is stored that contains the three 8-bit color components (RGB).
Formula to calculate color attribute values:
color = ( * -65536) + ( [green] * -256) + ( [blue] * -1) "
this isn't working for me though. does anyone know how colors are stored in the file. i imagine the calculation is something like this but with different numbers. i've been trying to figure this out for hours and have had no luck. hopefully i can figure this out soon.[/blue][/green]
Color values in Pd files
i love it when this happens...i post something and then within an hour later i solve my own problem. if you are curious and want the solution, i'll provide a brief synopsis now and maybe follow up later with a more detailed version.
above, it states that per color only one signed interger value is stored that containes the thre 8 bit color components (RGB)....however; the problem with that statement is that Pd scales RGB values down to 6-bit components. the number in the pd file is something like this:
xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxRR RRRR GGGG GGBB BBBB
where each letter represents a bit in the the 32bit integer.
it's a little bit more complicated than that. i'll try to write out a more elegant description later.