well, for this particular piece I use the fiddle~ output to look for notes being played in 10 zones on the vibraphone keyboard (3 or 4 notes each). That's coarse enough to stop accuracy being a problem.
Response time would be bad if it was triggering a synth but ok for triggering complementary samples.
Actually when I perform the piece live, fiddle~ starts to react to the sound coming from the speakers and the piece starts to play itself, but I found that in the context this wasn't such a bad thing. The best solution would be to use a vibes with pickups but If I point the speakers away and have the threshold on triggering notes in the right place it can work more accurately.
I'm now trying to generalise this and use fiddle~ to listen to all 37 notes individually but it's tricky to combine an accurate pitch detection with timely attack detection (bonk is better...) as well as velocity. Then there is a problem with turning notes off.
Anyway, that's what research is for right? Solving hard problems.
Also... I've noticed midi jitter on iac bus. My solution is to be artful about what parameters I control in live so that it isn't a problem...