I read about the boids library for pd, and got all excited about it, only to get stumped as to how to load and implement it. So I coded my own boids algorithm in perl, and socketed it into pd. If you care to take a peak, unzip the circleflies.zip and have at it.
Some steps to take:
open a shell and cd to the CIRCLEFLIES directory, then execute the STARTME.pl like so:
perl STARTME.pl
and then open the "circleflyflock.pd" with your Gem flag loaded.
For extra fun, the swarm of circles has a few musicians in it (the green ones) they output midi on midi channel1. You can also control the colors using the synesthes boxes if the blue and green gets old.
I hope you find this fun! If anyone wants to hack at the perl, please help me make it more efficient! it eats a lot of my CPU, and I'd like to run it more often with a bigger swarm.