I posted this in the pixel section but got no usable response, so I am trying in here. Part of my problem was I had an old version of GEM and the help files didn't work, but yesterday I installed the new version and the help files work now, so I looked at the help file for pix_write, and it does say you can change the file output type, but it is pretty vague on how to do it, in my patch I am working on I have tried changing the message box sending filename & type to output jpegs, but no matter what I do it still outputs tiff files and I want jpegs. Does anyone know what exactly to do? Maybe with a working example patch?
How to change GEM file type output from tiff to jpeg?
if you're on linux, I suggest using "import -window GEM gempic.jpg" I gave on on getting satisfactory results with pix_write when I couldn't get text (3d, 2d or extruded) to show up.
any technology distinguishable from magic
is insufficiently advanced. -
Thanks for the information, but I'm on a Mac. I will keep trying though.
there's the built in screen capture on the mac. It's hackability index is pretty high.
gone here yet?
http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/screencapturemac/ht/macscreenshot.htmany technology distinguishable from magic
is insufficiently advanced. -
Thanks sunji, I am trying to capture numbered frames for animation, the trouble is pix_write is writing out tiffs and is automatically introducing an alpha channel on the tiffs which is wiping out most of my imagery that is visible in my GEM window.
if "quality" is > 0 then output = *.jpg
Thanks pulsed! I will try now.
Well I tried to change it but it still doesn't work. If I bang it it still outputs tiffs. I put the relevant parts (especially the message box sending the filetype) into this throwaway attached patch, can someone look at it and tell me what I am doing wrong? I guess I have the stuff in the message box wrong but I can't figure out how to get it right. Can someone tell me EXACTLY what to put in the message box?
Connect a messagebox [file /path/prefix 80] to [pix_write], where 80 can also be a different number. Don't forget to bang/click it before banging pix_write and it should output .jpg files.