I want to use GEM for a live video feed and then use PDP to filter the feed. Is this possible? I have been working on a patch and i need to flip the video but I haven't been able to get the PDP objects to work. Also it says: pdp_transform: no method for 'gem_state' I don't know what this means. Any help would be much appreciated and the patch is attached.
GEM/PDP help
...you'll need to "convert" the signals for either gem or pdp --> see attached patch. if you just need to flip your pix, stay with the gem chain and use pix_flip before texturing.
I'm a new member of this forum.
I have two problem:
1- gem window don't move with a mouse on a border
2- I do not succeed to import audio of the video with pix_filmI would be content if someone of you resolved me that
Hi Bacthoven,
I've had this problem of locked Gem Window under OSX 10.5.1 and PD extended 0.40.3. But since I've updated to 10.5.2, the problem is fixed.
Regarding audio and [pix_film], no way to fix that. The object read only the video track of your file. It means that you have to extract the audio track first (QT pro for example) as a separate file and use [readsf] or something else beside [pix_film] to play sound and movie simultaneously.
I don't know if there is a PDP object to play video and sound from the same file.
Hi FDo
I believed that in puredata existed an object that allowed you to care a file containing trace video and audio, but I become me account that is not this way. I will follow your suggestion: pix_film and readsfBacthoven