@whale-av said:
You will have to assign a midi control to the colour value in your TouchOSC layout..... for each control.
"Color corresponds to the control color, indexed by the control's MIDI message controller value, note velocity or program number value, ranging from 0 to 8"
I don't know how that would work with a grid.
well, luckily i have some prior art from asking around on the TouchOSC Discord - i got told how to change the colour of a grid object (in this case, a fader from purple to yellow, to differentiate them).

so here's 9 grids that auto-initialize to having the fourth slider (which corresponds to the fourth send in ableton live, which is a specific type of send (+1 octave pitch grain/granulator), set to yellow.
the OSC command for this fourth one is:
function init()
if self.name == "4" then -- only executed in control 4
self.color = Color(1,1,0)
so in essence, it should be possible to take this and set the color right.
i'm not sure how though but at least there's the functional color changing code.
ok so i tried to change the formatting for yellow from what was specified in the plom.tosc, green = Color(1,93,0),
to green = Color(1,1,0),
but that did not seem to result in any specific change.
but i am getting these messages of /1/multifader1/3/color
and /1/multifader1/4/color
type stuffs and one of them receives the string red and the other the string green.

so maybe what's going on is that they're just not receiving the actual right message. if i was maybe sending a string with the required content, maybe that'd be the trick?