I am running this on a Raspberry Pi 4 model B with 2G RAM (latest Rasbian OS installed), with a Teensy ++ 2. I installed arduino IDE and TeensyDuino, and loaded the StandardFirmata firmware to the teensy successfully.However when I open Pd-L2Ork, and load the arduino-test.pd file from the Pduino examples, nothing is working, and I get the following error on repeat:
error: gatom_list: need float or symbol
If I delete the subpatch that is above the analog input numberboxes, those errors stop. Then, I am able to use the patch to select a comport. the comport opens successfully:
[comport] opened serial line device 1 (/dev/ttyAMA0)
But then, if I try to do anything like enable an analog input or request the firmware version, nothing works, and I get the following error:
error: [comport]: Write failed for 0 bytes, error is 2
And then... after trying one thing or another a few times, pure data crashes entirely. I have searched google for a solution but am coming up short. Does anyone have any idea what might be happening?