Don't know what to call this really. I put this together to prevent unwanted control changes after loading presets. A useful utility for hardware-controlled patches with presets.
-Inlet 1 passes control signal to the outlet.
-A bang to inlet 2 activates the temporary threshold/gate.
After activated, no control changes will pass through until a change that exceeds the threshold value is registered. (Relative to the control value at activation).
-(optional) Set threshold through inlet 3. Default is 10.
*Control signal through inlet 1 is at 50 when gate gets activated with a bang to inlet 2 (threshold set at default value, 10).
*Values of 41-59 will not pass through.
*A control signal <=10 or >=30 opens the gate.
*After the gate is opened, the control signal passes through until another bang is sent to inlet 2.
If there is already an abstraction or external out there that does this in a better way please let me know
Noticed a possible source or errors, if the 'float-box' were to send its value to the hot inlet of the 'subtraction-box' before it does the cold inlet. Not a problem on my system but this might be safer with a trigger to make sure..