hi all ~
one of the projects i'm currently working on is recreating a particular a-d function generator in pd. i'm in the early stages of development with this, and relatively new to pd, so this might be a simple question to answer. right now i have my attack and decay sliders set up to output floats to a pack, then onto a message containing $ variables which is then passed to vline. ideally this should allow for a user to modulate the attack and decay times in realtime - using some means of input (bang, note, etc.) to trigger or re-trigger the envelope. an issue i am running into is that while the decay slider can be modulated without the envelope being triggered, the attack slider triggers the envelope any time an adjustment is made. my suspicion is that this has to do with pack, as it outputs when it receives a float to its first inlet. so i suppose this is my question: is there a way to prevent pack from sending when this adjustment is made? is there another object i should be using instead to aggregate the floats? any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated!